2023/10/30-11/03 Geneva Peace Week Building Trust, Building Peace: An Agenda for the Future
Program from Monday October 30 to Friday November 3 (https://www.genevapeaceweek.ch/en
2023/11/29 New York City, USA The Urgency of Disarmament years of the Rifkind doctrine Copy
2023/11/07 Munich, Germany and online “DU-Frühschoppen”/”DU Morning Point”
“DU-Frühschoppen”/”DU Morning Point” • Date: November 7th, 11:00 • Location: EineWeltHaus, Weltwirtschaft, Schwanthalerstr. 80, 80336 München • Language: Deutsch/English (translation provided if necessary) • Contact: Birgit Obermayer, 0175-4843773 • Link: https://tinyurl.com/icbuw0611 The event follows the ICBUW event on the previous evening “Banning Uranium Weapons – where are we now” (on the occasion of the UN Day against environmental destruction through war; ICBUW Current Work – Events, Papers and other Documents | ICBUW). It is an open, informal meeting for all interested in the issue. https://www.icbuw.eu/icbuw-current-work-events-papers-and-other-documents/
2023/11/06 Munich, Germany and online ICBUW 20th Anniversary Event
2023/11/14 online zoom Save the Date Webinar NATO Climate Killer
with Moñeka de Oro of Marianas Climate Change (Guam-Saipan) and Tamara Lorincz Canada, GWUAN, ICC No-to-nato.org There is an assumption that this could be our contribution to the ongoing discourses on issues related to the upcoming COP in Dubai, UAE (Nov.30 to Dec.12) as well as one of the buildup webinars towards counter summit/campaigns re.NATO75 in Wash DC. (July 6 and 7, 2024) This webinar will be organized by More information are coming soon For preparation we recommend: Climate crossfire … Continue reading →
2023/10/29 online The war in Ukraine and the International Peace Movement
The DSA-IC Europe and Antiwar committees welcome Reiner Braun to a zoom meeting on Sunday, October 29 at 1:00PM ET. Reiner is German journalist, author, and peace activist and is the former executive director and co-president of the International Peace Bureau (IPB). Topics to be covered in our meeting will be: the war in Ukraine and the international peace movement, building a counter-summit to the upcoming Nato 75 summit which will be hosted in Washington DC in July 2024, and … Continue reading →
2023/11/12 webinar zoom 11 am ET The Rise of the new McCarthyism in the United States
2023/10/29 online zoom leading thinkers in conversation
Déclaration du Comité international de coordination (ICC) du réseau
Comité international de coordination (ICC) du réseau Déclaration sur la guerre entre Israël et la Palestine Les habitants de Gaza sont actuellement confrontés à l’offensive la plus meurtrière de leur histoire. Cette situation vient s’ajouter à la catastrophe humanitaire causée par le blocus israélien en place depuis 16 ans. Nous condamnons sans équivoque toutes les attaques contre la population civile, y compris les attaques du Hamas contre des civils israéliens qui ont fait des centaines de morts depuis le 7 … Continue reading →
ICC statement on the Israel-Palestine war
International Coordinating Committee (ICC) of the Statement on the Israel-Palestine war Gaza residents are currently facing the deadliest offensive in their history. This comes on top of the humanitarian disaster caused by the Israeli blockade that has been in place for 16 years. We unequivocally condemn all attacks on civilian populations, including Hamas’ attacks on Israeli civilians that have killed over a thousand people since 7 October. However, no attack justifies violations of the laws of war. After nearly three … Continue reading →
2023/10/27-28 Roma.ItalyInternational Conference
Banner: demilitarize | decarbonize | decolonize
banners, buttons and graphics, produced by Tamara Lorincz, please use them widely.
where’s the $100 Billion for climate finances
banners, buttons and graphics, produced by Tamara Lorincz, please use them widely.
NATO is a threat … abolish the alliance – save the planet
banners, buttons and graphics, produced by Tamara Lorincz, please use them widely.
“NATO is a climate criminal” One of the biggest culprits for Canada’s failure
banners, buttons and graphics, produced by Tamara Lorincz, please use them widely.
fiche d’information : L’OTAN est un danger pour l’humanité et la planète
L’OTAN est un danger pour la planète.pdf
NATO is a Climate Criminal_Fact Sheet_2022.pdf
2023/11/25 Berlin, GermanyGroßdemo “Nein zu Kriegen!”
Aufruf „Nein zu Kriegen – Rüstungswahnsinn stoppen – Zukunft friedlich und gerecht gestalten“.pdf Es ist an der Zeit: Bundesweiter Protest gegen Krieg und das soziale Desaster Flyer Berlin 25.11.2023.pdf 17. Oktober 2023 ein Artikel von Reiner Braun (https://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=105386) In der Woche vom 27.11 bis 30.11 verabschiedet der Bundestag den Haushalt 2024, der als Kriegsetat zu bezeichnen ist. Dieser zeichnet sich durch ein wesentliches Kriterium aus: Der Rüstungsetat steigt nach NATO-Kriterien auf 88,5 Milliarden Euro und alle Etatposten, die die Bereiche … Continue reading →
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