No to NATO
2024/01/23 zoom NATO/Militarism in Africa – Women Speak Out
NATO expands into Africa as US bullies the continent into more militarism. Since the end of the last century with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the disappearance of the Soviet Union, NATO is on the move. Its “out of area” military operation in Afghanistan in 2011, lasted for 20 years. Since 1994 the African counties Algeria, Egypt, Mauretania, Morocco and Tunisia are together with Israel and Jordan in the NATO partnership program Mediterranean Dialog (MD) NATO. Thus began … Continue reading →
2024/02/02+03 virtually AGM: “Keeping the Network Connected.”
Save the Date! Abolition 2000 Annual General Meeting Our 28th Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held virtually, in two sessions, on Friday February 2, 2024 (timed for the Asia/Pacific) and Saturday February 3, 2024, (timed for the Americas, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East). This year’s theme is “Keeping the Network Connected.” The AGM is a meeting for member groups, though everyone is invited to participate as an observer. It will be an opportunity to share reports from Affiliated … Continue reading →
Ukraine-Krieg: Wie die Chance für eine Friedensregelung vertan wurde
Hätte der Krieg in der Ukraine bereits in seinem Anfangsstadium gestoppt werden können? Es gibt eine Chance für den Frieden. Michael von der Schulenburg, Hajo Funke, , General a.D. Harald Kujat. 19.11.2023 | aktualisiert am 19.11.2023 – 21:40 Uhr https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/open-source/ukraine-krieg-wie-die-chance-fuer-eine-friedensregelung-vertan-wurde-li.2159432
Ein Jude an die zionistischen Kämpfer (Erich Fried 1988)
Elke Zwinge-Makamizile anlässlich der Ausladung von Jeremy Corbin zur einer Veranstaltung die Volksbühne ausgerichtet sind wir hier, weil er einen Standpunkt hat, der den Herrschenden nicht gefällt zum Nahostkonflikt, aber deshalb lesen wir jetzt das oder ich lese das Gedicht von Erich Fried von 1988 was eigentlich die Klage ist die wir heute bei dem jetzigen Genozid Israels gegen Gaza und gegen Palästina unbedingt zum Ausdruck bringen wollen. Ein Jude an die zionistischen Kämpfer (Erich Fried 1988) Was wollt ihr … Continue reading →
2023/10/07-147 cross CanadaKeep Space for Peace Week 2023 (events)
TAKE ACTION: Please sign and share the statement with the Prime Minister, Environment & Climate Change Minister Guilbeault and Foreign Affairs Minister Joly: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/declaration-on-peace-for-climate-justice In solidarity to end fossil fuel and end war for climate justice, Tamara
IMPORTANT ARTICLE & INTERVIEW: GAZA IS A WEAPONS LAB FOR THE ISRAELI ARMS INDUSTRY I would like to highly encourage you to read/watch this important Chris Hedge’s interview of Antony Loewenstein on “The Weapons Israel Tests On Palestinians Will Be Used Against All Of Us”, read: https://therealnews.com/the-weapons-israel-tests-on-palestinians-will-be-used-against-all-of-us or watch the interview here: “Gaza is a weapons lab for the arms industry”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PEWDLunejA Based on Antony Loewenstein’s book: “The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World”: … Continue reading →
Breaking! The US Congress just passed the massive almost 3,100-page National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2024
Breaking! The US Congress just passed the massive almost 3,100-page National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2024: https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/fy24_ndaa_conference_report1.pdf The 63rd annual NDAA increases military spending to $883.7 billion in fiscal year 2024. Note, the Defense Department just failed its 6th consecutive audit: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/pentagon-fails-audit-sixth-year-row-2023-11-16/ Scott Ritter’s analysis of US military budget “Why the Pentagon is a multitrillion-dollar fraud”: https://www.rt.com/news/588750-us-pentagon-failed-annual-audit/ *There is A LOT about NATO in the NDAA. However, there is very little in the NDAA 2024 on climate change and security. … Continue reading →
On Sunday, December 17, join the next pan-Canadian day of action for a permanent #CeasefireNow! Find a rally near you: https://tinyurl.com/yc7uzbbw Political leaders are feeling the pressure. The recent temporary pause of Israel’s military assault on Gaza is the direct result of mass protests across Canada and around the world. But it’s not enough. We need a permanent ceasefire now. On Sunday, December 17, show your support for human rights for all people of the region, and let your MP … Continue reading →
2023/12/20 onlineCOP28 Report Back Webinar: WILPF Delegation
COP28 Report Back Webinar: WILPF Delegation reports back–Putting Demilitarisation for Gender and Climate Justice on the UN Climate Talk’s Agenda Virtual Event COP28 has been a COP of many firsts. It is the first COP that finally has recognised that fossil fuels are the root cause of the climate crisis, and that [read more …] zoom link
2023/12/19 zoom Report Back by the Official Delegation of the U.S. Peace Council to China
Report Back by the Official Delegation of the U.S. Peace Council to China As Tension with China Rises, U.S. Peace Council Strengthens Relationship with the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament For Immediate Release Media Contact USPC@USPeaceCouncil.org (201) 315-2233 December 14, 2023 — At the official invitation of the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament (CPAPD), a delegation of the leading members of the U.S. Peace Council (USPC) visited China on November 22-26 for a bilateral talk between … Continue reading →
2023/12/17 onlineTune in for a glimpse inside AFGJ’s 25 years of building people power!
Don’t let AFGJ be silenced! Join us this Sunday in solidarity for our special livestream broadcast! Dear Friend, Despite the continued attacks against us for our ongoing years of resistance and activism, we will not be silenced! Undoubtedly, it’s through your support during these difficult times that we can stand firmly on our commitment to building a better world. Your solidarity means everything! As people deep in the struggle, we don’t take that word lightly and we understand that unity and … Continue reading →
No to U.S. military agreements in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden
Target: Members of Parliament in Denmark, Finland and Sweden Sign the petition https://worldbeyondwar.org/scandimerica/?link_id=1
2024/01/23 zoom SAVE THE DATE First Session of Webinar Series on Global NATO
Date: Jan 23rd, 2024 Time: 12 noon Boston, 19.00 South Africa More information coming soon here and on the webpage of the organizers: https://womenagainstnato.org/ https://www.wilpfus.org/ https://masspeaceaction.org/events/