SIKO Gegenaktionen München

Demonstration gegen die NATO-Sicherheitskonferenz

15.02.2025 - 13:00

Demonstration und Protest-Kette
gegen die NATO-Kriegstagung

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Vorprogramm ab 12:30 Uhr
13:00 Uhr Auftaktkundgebung Stachus/Karlsplatz (Video Stachus)
Moderation: Laura Meschede
Bündnisrede Mark Ellmann Aktionsbündnis gegen die NATO-Sicherheitskonferenz
es sprechen: Amir Ali und Rihm Hamdan (Palästina spricht) (Manuskript)
Gül Tolay (Kurdischer Frauenverband) (Manuskript PDF)
José Nivoi (Autonomes Hafenarbeiterkollektiv CALP, Genua) (Manuskript)
Mathes Breuer (Rechtsanwalt) (Manuskript)
Lühr Henken (Bundesausschuss Friedensratschlag/Berliner Appell) (Manuskript)
Musik: Rockband De Ruam aus Regensburg
14:00 Uhr Umzingelung des Tagungsortes der NATO-Kriegs-Strategen (Video ...)
Demonstration - über Karolinenplatz, Leopoldstraße - Odeonsplatz - zum Marienplatz
parallel Protest-Kette (mit Münchner Ruhestörung) - über Neuhauser Str. - Kaufingerstr. - zum Marienplatz
und am Marienplatz TulaTroubles ( fiel wg. Krankheit aus)
15:30 Uhr Schlußkundgebung - Marienplatz (Video, teilw. ...)
es sprechen: Lisa Pöttinger (Offenes Antikapitalistisches Klimatreffen) (Manuskript PDF)
Ronnie Barkan (Israel Aktivist "Boykott from Within")
Ronja Fröhlich (Jugendbündnis gegen Wehrpflicht)
Yanis Varoufakis (Mera) (Manuskript)
Agnes Kottmann (Gewerkschaften für den Frieden) (Manuskript)
Chris Hüppmeier (DFG-VK-Aktivist im Bündnis U18-nie)
Musik: TulaTroubles (World/Ska Kollektiv aus München)
Ende ca. 16:30 Uhr

Call of the Action Alliance Against the NATO Security Conference 2025

Capable of peace instead of war-ready!

Call of the Action Alliance Against the NATO Security Conference 2025

Demonstration and more on February 15, 2025 in Munich

From February 14 to 16, 2025, the "Munich Security Conference" will take place. Once again, arms dealers, corporate executives, war strategists, military officials, and politicians from around the world will meet at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof. Their focus is not on the security and peaceful coexistence of people, but on their own power positions and the security of capital. ... full Text->

Call for protests against the NATO ‘Security Conference’ ..

Call for protests against the NATO ‘Security Conference’ in Munich

Negotiating Instead of Shooting –
Arms Reduction Instead of an Arms Race

Demonstration on Saturday, 18 February 2023

Call for protests against the 2022 Munich Security Conference

of the NATO countries

Afghanistan tells us once again: No More War – that was and is the right slogan
NATO’s war in Afghanistan cost hundred of thousands of people their lives, left a devastated and impoverished country behind, and also promoted terrorism still further.

Instead of drawing the right conclusion, namely renouncing military interventions in the future, leading German and European politicians are demanding that the military capacities of the EU be furthered even more, so that they will be ‟able to act militarily” – even without the USA. This is meant to be the main topic at the upcoming Munich Security Conference.

The Munich ‟Security Conference” is not about safety and security
At this conference, which will take place on February 18th to 20th , heads of state and government, as well as politicians – mainly from the NATO countries – will gather with military leaders, representatives of major corporations, especially from the arms industry, and intelligence services.

Call for protests against the NATO „Security" Conference

Call for protests against the Munich Security Conference on 15 February 2020

Everything must change!
No to war and destruction of the environment!

Auswertungstreffen SIKO-Aktionsbündnis

25.02.2025 - 19:00

Vorläufig letztes Treffen vom Aktionsbündnis - die gemeinsame Auswertung unserer Anstrengungen in dieser Kampagne 2025!

Bei der Gelegenheit: Allen Unterstützer:innen bitte zu überprüfen ob ihre Spenden rausgegangen sind ..


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